Meet our Members
Founded by Dr. Alberto Paniz-Mondolfi (M.D., Ph.D.), Dr. Gabriela Blohm (Ph.D.), and Dr. Isis Mejias (Ph.D.), the Venezuelan Science Incubator has been raised from roots of research in pathology, infectious disease, and global health care. Under their supervision, the IVC remains oriented upon warm community outreach projects which supply data for developments in tropical diseases on an international scale.
Under the guidance of our academic coordinator, Dr. Juan Carlos Gabaldon-Figueira (M.D., M.Sc.), the IVC attends weekly lectures and undertakes scholastic activities to augment our familiarity with the mechanisms of pathology of infectious agents, and the mechanisms of action of novel therapeutic drugs.
Our young scientists bring the IVC project to a global scale. With each a unique approach to research and speculation based on educational differences from their respective countries, they collaborate in the analysis and illustration of data collected, to advance their common goals of bringing proliferative medical aid to the communities of Latin America.