Dr. Isis Mejias Ph.D.

Dr. Isis E. Mejias is a passionate Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) advocate. She discovered this passion as a Rotary Global Grant Scholar and as a member of the EWB Houston Professionals chapter, where she led a project to build a gravity-fed water distribution system in Kenya. The success and visibility of this project resulted in an invitation from Rotary to lead a WASH program for 10 primary schools in Uganda. Dr. Mejias worked with over 500 stakeholders to implement a WASH education program to complement the WASH intervention. The education program focused on increasing awareness of WaSH impacts on reducing infectious diseases. After returning from Africa, she started her Environmental Engineering PhD. She now focuses on providing practical solutions to other NGOs, as a Rotary WaSRAG Ambassador and the Founder of Global WaSH.
Besides her field work in WASH, during her Environmental Engineering PhD she developed innovative nanotechnology and biotechnology processes for the removal of heavy metals and pathogens from water. Dr. Mejias pioneered a metal biosorbent technology with complex microbial communities as an alternative to traditional heavy metal treatment technologies. She also worked in developing kinetic studies needed to create membranes in pathogen control. Throughout her humanitarian work, she now focuses on providing translational WASH research that results in practical solutions to bridge the WASH service delivery gap, where science can translate into immediate changes in the communities.
Dr. Mejias is an Environmental Consultant for Lummus Consultants International, where she is involved in the environmental, social responsibility, health and safety, and security (“ESHS”) areas: from initial planning and conceptual definition; through equipment design, procurement, construction; to operations. She is providing due diligence reviews for Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (“ESIAs”), permit applications and government approvals. Dr. Mejias is familiar with environmental and social standards adopted by multi-lateral, export credit and private finance institutions worldwide, including Equator Principles, the World Bank/IFC Environmental and Social Performance Standards, and the IFC Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines.
Dr. Mejias has been a keynote speaker in various events worldwide, such as the Rotary International Convention in Toronto Canada in 2018. She is the coordinator of the Environmental Engineering/WASH Research Network at the Venezuelan Science Incubator, a Rotary WaSRAG Ambassador, and the Founder of Global WaSH.