Lourdes A. Delgado Noguera B.Sc
Research Network Coordinator - IVC

Lourdes Delgado-Noguera (B.sC) obtained her Bachelor of Science in 2018 and is currently 3rd year medical student at UCLA (Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado – Barquisimeto, Venezuela). She has also performed specialized training in mycobacteriology at Biomedicine Institute (Caracas, Venezuela) and molecular detection of microorganisms at University of Rosario (Bogotá, Colombia). She has been part of the Incubadora Venezolana de la Ciencia (IVC) since 2018.
Her undergraduate research has focused on studying infectious diseases like Chagas, Leishmania, Tuberculosis, Hemorrhagic fevers and Acute febrile syndromes associated with arboviruses, with special emphasis in vector-borne diseases in Venezuela. She has deepened her training in the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) aiming at forecasting zoonotic infectious diseases trends in response to various eco-epidemiological changes and variables. Her research interests focus on epidemiological modeling and the development of integrated surveillance systems for controlling vector-borne diseases mainly in projects with a Citizen science approach. She also has a strong interest in the study of aboriginal health and ethnobiology.
Lourdes has published her research in journals such as Science, The Lancet, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, PLOS NTDs, ID cases, among others.